

The first principle of the gospel.  If it wasn't for faith God would do nothing in this world.  We all need faith.  But what is faith and how do we obtain faith.  We first need to believe.  We need to have a belief or hope however small that God exists.  We cannot come to know that he is there without a belief that he is there.  We then need to know that he is honest.  Truly honest.  He will follow through with his words.  If he says he will do something or not do something then we are guaranteed that he will do what he says.  Otherwise how could be believe in him.  God doesn't change.  He is forever the same.  If we know that he will do as he says then we have multiple instances where God says he will answer our prayers.  If we pray in faith he will be there.  He will answer us.  With the basic belief that he is there and that he will answer prayers because he as promised he will we can continue on to more about what faith is.  It may seem comical that one believes in a God who answers prayers, but God has allowed us to choose what we want. Either good or evil.  We can choose to believe or not.  When we choose to believe we receive a witness that God lives.  This witness can also tell us all truth if we are worthy enough.  The scriptures tell us that faith is a belief in things not seen.  We haven't seen God, but we believe he exists. We then pray to know that he does live and we are blesses to receive that knowledge.  Once we believe we much then nourish that belief.  We need to study.  Pray.  Worship.  Do what God would have us do.  That faith grows until we can say we know that God lives.  Either in this life or the next it doesn't matter.  What matters is we use our agency to help grow.

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