
It is my hope to be able to share my knowledge with my beloved brothers and sisters.  I hope that through this writing in able to.  I have been very blessed to be here on earth at this time.  The Lord answers prayers.  He had promised that he will.  He doesn't change. He is the same yesterday today and forever.  We can have faith in him that he will.  I love him and I strive to keep his commandments.  The spirit speaks to our hearts gently and quietly.  Sometime I hear him sometimes I don't.  A lot of times is because I'm not listening.  If I'm in tune with him I can hear him.  Sometimes the answer doesn't come right away.  Sometimes I have to wait.  But the answer always comes. It can be hard for me to wait but the answer comes when is supposed to. My goal in this blog is to share the light and truth of Jesus Christ.  I have so I share.  None with knowledge should hold back from teaching the truth.  The word of God is free to those who seek.  Jesus is the Christ and he will further his work.  I know not how my words will go to others but I know it will happen.

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